🇪🇸 🇪🇸 🇪🇸 It’s Spanish Week in SuperCity! 🏙 Look at these awesome changes – la vida es bella, isn’t it, Mayor? 😉💃
- You can get Superbucks 💸 during the eternal stage (as well as collecting profit from The Spanish Park 🇪🇸 and Trophies 🏆)
- The overall tasks – including the tasks of the eternal stage – are easier 🤟
- Characters will ask for the University specialists less frequently ⬇
📌 Required level: 8.
⌛ The event stops for everyone on April 17th at 16:00 UTC.
🇪🇸 You have 2 tabs in the quest window, you can get 🎁 rewards 🎁 on both of them:
- ‘To-Do list’ tab with your progress and quest prizes (with 🇪🇸 Spanish Park 🇪🇸 as your main reward and cute prizes – including 💸- as eternal stage rewards)
- ‘Rankings’ tab with your ranking (prize depends on your place on April 17th, main rewards are special Trophies 🏆)
🇪🇸 ‘Rankings’ tab
- You automatically enter the competition once you get your first 4 Badges ✔
- Even after you get the Italian 🇪🇸 Spanish Park 🇪🇸, you can continue to play to collect as many badges as possible – the more badges you have, the higher your chance to win is 🏆
- You have to maintain your score until April 17th to get your reward 🎁🎁🎁
- If several players from your group have an equal number of badges 🏆
– 1st-3d places: the player who got them first will be placed higher ⬆
– 4th-100th places: players will share the same place ↔
🇪🇸 You can find new neighbours 👫 👬 👭 via the ‘Rankings’ tab and even visit their cities before adding 😍 Just tap on their portrait 👧 on your leaderboard and wait for them to accept you 😊
‘To-Do list’ tab: main set of rewards
‘To-Do list’ tab: eternal stage set of rewards
‘Rankings’ tab: list of rewards
🏆 = 📖 3 ‘Skip Task’ boosters, ⚡10 packages of energy +7, Trophy dropping 5 💸 every 8 hours until April 27th
🏆🏆 = 📖 2 ‘Skip Task’ boosters, ⚡ 8 packages of energy +7, Trophy dropping 5 💸 every 8 hours until April 24th
🏆🏆🏆 = 📖 1 ‘Skip Task’ booster, ⚡ 7 packages of energy +7, Trophy dropping 5 💸 every 8 hours until April 22nd
4th-10th places = 5 Fortune tickets and ⚡ 6 packages of energy +7
11th-25th places = 3 Fortune tickets and ⚡ 4 packages of energy +7
26th-50th places = 1 Fortune ticket and ⚡ 3 packages of energy +7
51st-101st places = ⚡ 3 packages of energy +7